How Coffee Chill & Spill came about 

My name is Victoria, but you can call me Vik.  I live with my Husband (who is literally my hero), our two girls, Eva and Isla and our dogs Lilo and Otis. 

I have a BA hons degree in Childhood, youth and families, I am qualified in child development and certified in addressing and supporting postnatal illnesses. I recently trained in life coaching and  mindfulness and I have 18 years experience supporting families.

I love to travel to new places,  I love food and eating out. My biggest passion and hobby is exercise. I love the gym and it’s my go to for feeling good about myself. I enjoy yoga (especially slow flow), meditation, mindfulness and crystals.  I love to read and listen to music, and my new thing is podcasts; I really enjoy walking and listening, it brings such a sense of calm.  I try to do more of what I enjoy these days and really priorities time for myself, no guilt attached. 

I use to refer to myself as an ‘anxious person’, but over the last few years I have been on a path of understanding and self reflection. I experienced severe anxiety after my second daughter was born and it turned my whole world upside down, but actually gave me a kick start to address this whole label of ‘I’m an anxious person’. I no longer refer to myself as being anxious, I acknowledge that I experience anxiety from time to time, which is a normal innate feeling and when this happens it’s a sign I need to slow down, be gentle with myself and that my mind is in a lower state of consciousness and it will pass. Which it does. 

So why did I decide to create a project that supports Maternal well-being and family life? 

Coffee, chill and spill evolved from an idea I had to reach out to other parents. My husband and I became parents in 2013 and it was the most incredible experience. We now have two daughters and it’s amazing being their Mummy and Daddy. Like anything in life though, we experienced some situations that tested our emotions and I guess our resilience (me in particular). I was diagnosed with postnatal Anxiety after my second daughter was born and I found it extremely difficult to find anything within my community that I could turn to for support. I didn’t need or want anything that fuelled the way I felt, I needed something that helped me to feel safe so I could deal with what I was experiencing. I felt like I was failing my girls, I felt scared and I felt alone, alone in the sense of why I am feeling like this, why is this happening to me? I now have a much better understanding of my emotions and I have a greater acceptance of the way we work as human beings.  I love to exercise and go on mini breaks, I’ve also learnt that my well being is so important and crucial so I can be the best mummy to my girls, but equally, I no longer strive for perfection or have this unrealistic ideology of the person I think should be in all areas of my life. I have implemented new boundaries and I have created a project that is supportive to women . A project that promotes a  sense of community for you to reach out to and connect with. To know it’s OK to acknowledge your struggles, to share experiences and open up as you navigate your way through the highs and lows of life. The sooner we learn to sit and live with discomfort (we are all going to experience it), the easier life becomes and the quicker it passes. 

My own experience made me realise just how important it is to feel connected to your community so at the weekly group sessions we have lots of information about other resources in the area. We also have facilitators and volunteers that all have lived experience of perinatal mental health. We can help you with your little one so you can enjoy a hot drink, we serve breakfast snacks and have a listening ear each week. We aim to create a welcoming and nurturing environment for you to enjoy.  

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